Screening for cancer
and chronic diseases


STT Service name Explain Object
Male Female
IKhám lâm sàng
1 Physical examination Measure height and weight. Check heart rate and blood pressure. x x
2 Cardiology examination Cardiologist examines and consults x x
3 General abdominal ultrasound Detect diseases of the liver, bile, pancreas, kidney, spleen and male pelvis/female pelvis x x
4 Breasts ultrasound (for women) Mammography assessment: Breast density, cysts, fibroids, abnormal lymph nodes x
5 Thyroid ultrasound Check thyroid image, evaluate the size, detect cysts, nodules, tumors x x
6 Echocardiography Detecting cardiovascular diseases x x
7 Normal electrocardiogram Assess for abnormalities in heart rhythm, electrocardiogram x x
IIXét nghiệm
8 Total peripheral blood cell analysis (by laser counter) Check the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, Hemoglobin, ...; evaluate anemia, some infections and thrombocytopenia x x
9 Cholesterol Quantification Check levels of lipids in blood to early detect lipemia x x
10 Triglycerid Quantification Check levels of lipids in blood to early detect lipemia x x
11 HDL-C Quantification Check levels of lipids in blood to early detect lipemia x x
12 LDL - C Quantification Check levels of lipids in blood to early detect lipemia x x
13 AST Activity measurement (GOT) Liver enzyme tests: Evaluation of hepatitis and liver diseases x x
14 ALT activity measurement (GPT) Liver enzyme tests: Evaluation of hepatitis and liver diseases x x
15 Quantification of uric acid Early detection of Gout x x
16 Quantification of Creatinine Evaluation of kidney function and kidney diseases x x
17 Quantification of Urea Evaluation of kidney function and kidney diseases x x
18 Glucose quantification Early detection of diabetes x x
19 Total urinalysis Detect urinary tract disease x x
20 ABO and RH blood group testing ABO and RH blood group determination (optional for those who have not had a blood type test) x x
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