Screening for cancer
and chronic diseases


STT Service name Explain Object
Male Female
IKhám lâm sàng
1 Endocrine examination Endocrinologist examines and advises x x
IIXét nghiệm
2 Total peripheral blood cell analysis (28 parameters, by laser counter) Assess the number and percentage of blood cells. Infections, anemia, coagulation disorders and other hematological diseases x x
3 Quantification of TSH Thyroid stimulating hormone assessment x x
4 Quantification of FT-3 Free T3 Thyroid Hormone Evaluation x x
5 Quantification of FT-4 Free T4 Thyroid Hormone Evaluation x x
IIIChẩn đoán hình ảnh và Thăm dò chức năng
6 Thyroid ultrasound Check thyroid image, evaluate the size, detect cysts, nodules, tumors x x
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